The GRSG Conference Gold Sponsors

The GRSG Conference Silver Sponsors

The GRSG Conference Bronze Sponsors

The Annual GRSG Conference and AGM returns to London!
In December of this year, we will once again bring together the GRSG community to explore the wonderful world of geological remote sensing for our 34th International Conference and AGM under the following topics:
- Critical Minerals and the Energy Transition
- Engineering Geology and Hazards
- Planetary Geology
Following our very successful conference at the world famous ITC Faculty Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation in the Netherlands, we are back at our spiritual home; the offices of the Geological Society, Burlington House in London.
Provisional Conference Agenda
Join Us for the Pre-Conference Icebreaker
18:00 – 21:00, Sunday 10th December, Glass Blower Pub, Piccadilly
Time | Title | Speaker | |
08:30 | Registration and Coffee | ||
09:15 | Welcome from the GRSG | Dr. Jennifer Scoular | |
09:30 | Opening Keynote: EnVision Venus Mission | Dr. Phillipa Mason, Imperial College London | Abstract 2023: Phillipa Mason |
Session: Planetary Remote Sensing. |
10:15 | Challenges and opportunities of inter-mission change detection between magellan and the future VERITAS and EnVision missions to Venus | Gerard Gallardo i Peres, Imperial College, London | Abstract 2023: Gerard Gallardo i Peres |
10:35 | Constraining Tessera Evolution in Phoebe Regio | Connor Hoad, Royal Holloway, University of London | Abstract 2023: Connor Hoad |
10:55 | Denoising Hyperspectral Images of Mars with Machine Learning | Robert Platt, Imperial College, London | Abstract 2023: Robert Platt |
Session: Mine waste and monitoring in the energy and mining sectors. |
11:45 | Multiscale and multi-sensor mapping for tailings management: review and perspectives | Friederike Koerting, Norsk Elektro Optikk AS - HySpex Division | Abstract 2023: Friederike Koerting |
12:05 | Preliminary observations of Sardinian Historical mine tailings using Google Earth Engine | Susanna Grita, Sapienza Universita di Roma | Abstract 2023: Susanna Grita |
12:25 | Application of wide-range infrared spectroscopy for coal mine waste characterization | Oscar Kamps, TU Delft | Abstract 2023: Oscar Kamps |
12:45 | InSAR service evolution in the energy sector | Ren Capes, Tre Altamira | Abstract 2023: Ren Capes |
13:05 | LUNCH | ||
Session: Oil Spills and Environmental Remote Sensing |
13:45 | Impacts of a 40-year-old oil spill on mangroves revealed by drone-borne remote sensing | Carlos Souza Filho, University of Campinas (UNICAMP) | Abstract 2023: Carlos Souza Filho |
14:05 | Applications of UAV-Born Hyperspectral Data for The Detection and Characterization of Oil Spills | Rebecca Scafutto, University of Campinas (UNICAMP) | Abstract 2023: Rebecca Scafutto |
14:25 | Oil spill characterisation with SAR | Priscila Martins Oliveira da Costa, University of Campinas (UNICAMP) | Abstract 2023: Priscila Martins Oliveira da Costa |
14:45 | An improved sensing capability of vis-NIR spectroscopy in the detection of oil spill in bare soils | Hanly Bingari, University of Portsmouth | Abstract 2023: Hanly Bingari |
15:25 | Updates on recent environmental remote sensing R&D and technology deployments in Chevron | Christian Haselwimmer, Chevron | Abstract 2023: Christian Haselwimmer |
15:45 | How to compare apples and oranges and make sense of them. | Charlotte Bishop, KSAT | Abstract 2023: Charlotte Bishop |
16:05 | The Use of Hyperspectral Imagery for the Identification and Quantification of Methane | Kevin Goldsmith, BP | Abstract 2023: Kevin Goldsmith |
16:25 | GRSG Annual General Meeting | Jennifer Scoular, SkyGeo | |
17:15 | WINE RECEPTION: Unwind and indulge in the elegance of geoscience discussions paired with fine wines at The Geological Society. |
Time | Title | Speaker | |
08:45 | Registration and Coffee | ||
09:20 | Welcome from the GRSG | Dr. Jennifer Scoular | |
09:30 | Opening Keynote: EO Satellite Validation – The Why, The How, and The Art | Dr. George Leblanc, National Research Council of Canada | Abstract 2023: George LeBlanc |
Session: Mineral Exploration. |
10:15 | U.S. Geological Survey’s Earth Mapping Resource Initiative: Improving the Nation’s Understanding of Critical Mineral Resources Using Imaging Spectroscopy | Todd Hoefen, US Geological Survey | Abstract 2023: Todd Hoefen |
10:35 | Full Spectrum Unmixing at Alunite Hill, Nevada | Dean Riley, University of Arizona | Abstract 2023: Dean Riley |
11:30 | Optimizing Lithological Mapping and Mineral Potential Assessment through the Fusion of Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Images, Airborne Radiometric Data, and Machine Learning Algorithms | Ali Shebl, University of Debrecen | Abstract 2023: Ali Shebl |
11:50 | TBC | Giorgi Mindiashvili, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University | Abstract 2023: Giorgi Mindiashvili |
12:10 | Marigold on the DL Platform: Utilising Bare Earth Composites and Cloud Compute for Regional Scale Mineral Exploration - A Case Study over the Maricunga Belt, Chile | Sam Casement, Descartes Labs | Abstract 2023: Sam Casement |
12:30 | Bare-earth satellite imagery and the search for hidden lithium-rich brines: An example from the Lithium Triangle in South America | Livi Rhind, CGG Satellite Mapping | Abstract 2023: Livi Rhind |
12:50 | LUNCH | ||
Session: Quick fire posters and Early Careers Session |
15:30 | Applications of a continuously updated national InSAR map – New Zealand | Nathan Magnall, Satsense | Abstract 2023: Nathan Magnall |
16:00 | Assessing Coastal Granulometry from Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data. | Sophie Mann, University of Nottingham | Abstract 2023: Sophie Mann |
16:20 | A rapid assessment of ground damage and secondary geohazards caused by the Feb 2023 Mw 7.8 Turkey-Syria earthquake using visual inspection of optical satellite imagery. | Joshua Jones, AECOM | Abstract 2023: Joshua Jones |
18:30 | CONFERENCE DINNER: Join us for an enchanting evening aboard the Tattershall Castle, a pub on the Thames with picturesque views of the London Eye. |
Time | Title | Speaker | |
08:45 | Registration and Coffee | ||
Session: Mineral Exploration |
09:30 | Marigold on the DL Platform: An Online Cloud Compute Solution for the Management and Processing of High Volume Hyperspectral Data for Mineral Exploration Mapping in the Green Energy Transition | Lori Wickert, Descartes Labs | Abstract 2023: Lori Wickert |
09:50 | Can we classify smarter? Adding geothermal and spectral expert knowledge into the mineral classification process | Chris Hecker, University of Twente | Abstract 2023: Chris Hecker |
10:10 | Finding fairies at the bottom of your garden: gas estimation as the next challenge for remote sensing | Niel Pendock, Dirt Exploration | Abstract 2023: Niel Pendock |
10:30 | A look into the influence of Sentinel-2 atmospheric correction and calibration on the repeatability of geological spectral indices | Harald van der Werff, University of Twente | Abstract 2023: Harald van der Werff |
11:20 | Variation in multiple outdoor Specim SWIR images acquired over a Single Day | Tingxuan Jiang, University of Twente (UT-ITC) | Abstract 2023: Tingxuan Jiang |
11:40 | Multi-scale approach to remote sensing mineral exploration for expansion of a Moroccan silver mine – the Imiter case study | Alfie Baines, CGG Satellite Mapping | Abstract 2023: Alfie Baines |
12:00 | Mineral exploration using EnMAP hyperspectral data: Case studies from four different deposit types | Saeid Asadzadeh, German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) | Abstract 2023: Saeid Asadzadeh |
12:20 | Comparison of EnMAP and Fenix Airborne Hyperspectral over the Yerington Magmatic District, NV | Siebe Breed, Geosense | Abstract 2023: Siebe Breed |
12:40 | Sale’e Porcus Spectral library V1.0 | Marco Casu, Sapienza Universita Di Roma | Abstract 2023: Marco Casu |
13:00 | LUNCH | ||
Session: New sensors and methods |
14:00 | InSAR empowering the energy transition: contributions to CCUS project development | Nick Dodds, SkyGeo | Abstract 2023: Nick Dodds |
14:20 | ITRES new hyperspectral imager SAVI 1000 | Fabrizio Tadina, ITRES | |
14:50 | First results from SatVu's new high-resolution mid-wave thermal infrared (MWIR) HotSat-1 | Xu Teo, SatVu | Abstract 2023: Xu Teo |
15:10 | A tale of two technologies - Frequent monitoring of industrial emissions using satellites and aircrafts | Lola, GHGSat | |
15:30 | tbc | Claire Mudge, Planet | |
AFTERGLOW: Conclude the conference with a bang at the Afterglow event! Return to the lively Glassblower Pub for an evening of celebration, reflection, and informal networking. Cheers to new connections and a successful GRSG Conference! |
Conference Tickets
Tickets are now on sale with Early Bird pricing available until 1st October. In addition to a fantastic technical conference programme, we have many networking and social events planned:
- Icebreaker: evening of Sunday 10th December, Glass Blower Pub, Piccadilly
- Wine reception: afternoon of Monday 11th December at The Geological Society
- Conference Dinner: evening of Tuesday 12th December, Tattershall Castle, Victoria Embankment
- Afterglow: evening of Wednesday 13th December, Glassblower Pub, Piccadilly
Student Travel Bursaries
Every year the GRSG provides Student Travel Bursaries to students to travel to our Annual General Meeting.
The GRSG committee will again offer up to 5 student travel bursaries of £250.00 each, to help more students attend.
To apply for a student travel bursary, you must be a student member of the GRSG at the point of application.
Applicants do not need to submit an abstract to be considered for a travel bursary however those who submit an abstract for an oral or poster presentation will be given preference – please apply before Wednesday 1st November 2023
Sponsor the GRSG Conference & AGM
The GRSG is a non-profit organisation entirely run by volunteers. Our revenue took a significant hit during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although we successfully resumed in-person events last year at ITC, which aided our recovery, the expenses associated with hosting our events are also rising considerably.
This year we will incur significant venue costs from The Geological Society of London for the first time. Many of you may have read over the past few years that The Geological Society has suffered significant rent increases in recent years; in fact a 3100% increase in rent from 2012 to 2021. Unsurprisingly some of those increased costs are being passed onto the special interest groups.
Therefore, conference sponsorship is vital to help keep our events accessible. As well as covering conference costs, sponsorship income also supports other activities throughout the year including: student travel bursaries, student awards, training events, website fees and more.
The benefits of conference sponsorship this year include:
- Extensive social media promotion of your brand (pre, during and post conference).
- Sponsor mentions and placement throughout the conference.
- Provision of GDPR compliant delegate registration information (job title and company name). We can provide individual contact details on request if agreed to by the delegate.
- Provision of sponsor stands to advertise your products / services.
- Exclusive access to a captive international audience.
For all of the above reasons and more, sponsoring this year’s conference provides an effective method to advertise your brand, products, and services to an international audience. This can provide valuable B2C and B2B opportunities and leads for you and your company.