GRSG 34th Conference 2023
Title: Finding fairies at the bottom of your garden: gas estimation as the next challenge for remote sensing
Author: Niel Pendock
Estimating gasses provides a novel tool for undercover target estimation as gas can penetrate cover including vegetation, glacial till and windblown sand.
Spectral unmixing is a powerful technique for gas endmember estimation with the assumption of a Poisson rather than Gaussian abundance distribution, something to consider.
Optical turbulence estimation is also useful as gasses often induce hazy anomalies.
We present several case studies including mapping helium for uranium and lithium exploration plus hydrogen and methane as indicators of buried ultramafic minerals.
Estimating gasses provides a novel tool for undercover target estimation as gas can penetrate cover including vegetation, glacial till and windblown sand.
Spectral unmixing is a powerful technique for gas endmember estimation with the assumption of a Poisson rather than Gaussian abundance distribution, something to consider.
Optical turbulence estimation is also useful as gasses often induce hazy anomalies.
We present several case studies including mapping helium for uranium and lithium exploration plus hydrogen and methane as indicators of buried ultramafic minerals.