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Nigel Press
Nigel PressEO Pioneer
Talk Title: Geological Remote Sensing – why are we doing this and where is it going?

Internationally known as a pioneer in the commercial application of satellite image mapping in geoscience, particularly for oil and gas exploration and latterly in geo-hazard investigation. Developed a successful high-tech consulting company over 40 years. Now working pro-bono in the humanitarian sector and also investing in exploration, high-tech and property projects.

Dr Lorenzo Bruzzone
Dr Lorenzo BruzzoneProfessor at University of Trento, Italy
Talk Title: Identification and Characterization of a Lunar Cave by using Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging

Lorenzo Bruzzone received the Laurea (M.S.) degree in electronic engineering (summa cum laude) and the Ph.D. degree in telecommunications from the University of Genoa, Italy, in 1993 and 1998, respectively. He is currently a Full Professor of telecommunications at the University of Trento, Italy, where he teaches remote sensing, radar, and digital communications.

Dr Leonardo Carrer
Dr Leonardo Carrer Asst. Professor at University of Trento.
Talk Title: Identification and Characterization of a Lunar Cave by using Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging

Dr Carrer’s research interests include radar sounders system engineering, performance models, and advanced signal processing. He is a Member of the Scientific Team working on the Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) instrument which will be on-board the upcoming European Space Agency (ESA) Mission JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) to the Jupiter system.

Conference 2024 Agenda – Online Version

Day One

TimeTitleSpeakerAbstract Link
08:30Registration and Coffee
09:00Welcome from the GRSGDr. Jennifer Scoular
09:15Opening Keynote - Geological Remote Sensing – why are we doing this and where is it going?
Nigel Press, EO Pioneer

Session: Geological Mapping.
Chair: TBA

10:00Modernizing knowledge of the geologic framework of the US with airborne hyperspectral imaging, geophysical surveys, geologic mapping, and geochemical sampling: The USGS Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (Earth MRI)Raymond Kokaly - USGSClick for the abstract
10:20Potential usage of Landsat Next for geological mappingBruno Portela - ITC - Univeristy of TwenteClick for the abstract

Session: Geohazards1
Chair: TBA

11:10Using AI for the automatic interpretation of InSAR dataAlessandro Novellino - British Geological Survey
Click for the abstract
11:30Automated landslide identification using machine learning classification of Airborne LiDARJingru Wang - University of LeedsClick for the abstract
11:50Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) Abstract for GRSG – InSAR for Geotechnical Applications and GeohazardsDyre Dammann - Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)Click for the abstract

Session: Natural Hydrogen & Emission Monitoring
Chair: Graham Sadler

12:10Monitoring natural hydrogen at Cross Lanes Farm, Cornwall, using a Sentinel-2 time seriesHugo Heard - Cornish Lithium
12:30Environmental monitoring in the Energy sector: What’s new and what’s comingCharlotte Bishop - KSATClick for the abstract
12:50Testing and fine tuning of literature satellite-driven indicators to investigate Iron and Steel FactoriesCarlo Robiati - DBX LtdClick for the abstract
13:10Satellite Methane Monitoring: From Promise to Delivering ResultsJean-François Gauthier - GHGSatClick for the abstract

Session: Hydrogen Exploration
Chair: Charlotte Bishop (KSAT)

14:30Hyperspectral Imaging and Predictive Model Evaluation for Total Organic Carbon Content Estimation: Bituminous Shales: A Case Study on Rocks of the Horn River Basin, CanadaCarlos Souza Filho,
University of Campinas (UNICAMP)
Click for the abstract
14:50Evaluating Machine Learning Algorithms and satellite-based covariates to spatially detect active petroleum seepagesMohammad Hassan Tayebi - National Karst and Hard Rock Research centerClick for the abstract
15:10Characterization of micro seepage-induced diagenetic changes in the Upper-Red Formation, Qom region, Iran. Part III: Using Hyperspectral EnMAP Satellite DataYasmin Elhaei - Shahid Chamran University of AhvazClick for the abstract
16:00GRSG Annual General MeetingJennifer Scoular, SkyGeo
17:15`Wine Reception at ESA

Day Two

TimeTitleSpeakerAbstract Link
09:00Welcome from the GRSGDr. Jennifer Scoular

Session: Mineral Exploration I
Chair: TBA

09:10Multiscale Hyperspectral Imaging of Ree-Bearing Minerals at Mountain Pass, CaliforniaTodd Hoefen - USGSClick for the abstract
09:30Rare Earth Element quantification using Random Forest regression and Reflectance SpectroscopySusanna Grita - University of Rome "La Sapienza"/Politecnico di TorinoClick for the abstract
09:50ESA Satellites and beyond: a multi sensor approach for lithium pegmatite explorationOlivia Rhind - Viridien Satellite MappingClick for the abstract
10:10Mapping Hydrothermal Alteration Using Wavelength Mapping and Band Ratios: Insights from EMIT Hyperspectral Data over the Haib Porphyry System, NamibiaGiorgia Carano - Politecnico di TorinoClick for the abstract
10:30Hyperspectral Mine Face Monitoring in the Republic of Cyprus – Comparing reflectance data from platforms ground-based, UAV Nadir and Oblique scanningJustus Constantin Hildebrand - HySpex by NEO (Norsk Elektro Optik)Click for the abstract

Session: Geohazards II
Chair: TBA

11:10InSAR Monitoring for Mining Applications: Addressing Challenges in Southeast AsiaFabrizio Novali - TRE ALTAMIRAClick for the abstract
11:30Understanding multi-hazard cascades from the Türkiye 2023 earthquakesHolly Hourston - British Geological SurveyClick for the abstract
11:50The role of Earth Observation in advancing our understanding of high sustained temperature leading to dry condition multihazard compound eventsLuke Bateson - British Geological SurveyClick for the abstract
12:10Leveraging Remote Sensing for Flood Risk Management in ShellEmilie Blancart - Shell Global Solutions International B.VClick for the abstract

Session: Mine & Environmental Monitoring
Chair: TBA

12:30Innovative Machine Learning Approach for Monitoring Acid Mine Drainage in the Rio Tinto Region of Spain Using Sentinel-2 Surface Reflectance Time Series CompositesVeronika Strnadova - Czech Geological SurveyClick for the abstract
12:50Drone-based surface water quality monitoring: a case study for the Chalkidiki, GreeceMartin Kýhos - Czech Geological SurveyClick for the abstract
13:10Multiscale Mapping of Mineralogy in the Memi Tailing (Cyprus) Using Spectral Remote Sensing TechnologySaeid Asadzadeh - German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ)Click for the abstract

Session: The Energy Transition
Chair: Charlotte Bishop (KSAT)

14:30Detecting Geothermal Anomalies from Space - What is the current state-of-the-art?Christoph Hecker - ITC - Univeristy of TwenteClick for the abstract
14:50Geothermal field monitoring with satellite radar in New ZealandNick Dodds - SatSenseClick for the abstract
15:10Nationwide Oman Surface Deformation Assessment for CCUS Site SelectionMohammed Al Sulaimani - Petroleum Development Oman
15:50Long Term Data Validation of InSAR Based with GNSS Data, Correlation and Integration with Micro Seismic in Oil and Gas FieldMohammed Al Sulaimani - Sultan Qaboos UniversityClick for the abstract
16:10Searching for Venus in Iceland: linking volcanic surface characteristics with radar signatures to model future measurements by EnVision and VERITASGerard Gallardo i Peres - Imperial Collenge London/isardSATClick for the abstract
16:30Keynote - Identification and Characterization of a Lunar Cave by using Synthetic Aperture Radar ImagingLorenzo Bruzzone, Leonardo Carrer - University of Trento
19:00Conference Dinner

Day Three

TimeTitleSpeakerAbstract Link
09:00Welcome from the GRSGDr. Jennifer Scoular

Session: Coastal Monitoring
Chair: TBA

09:10Synthetic Aperture Radar Shoreline processor: methodology and results.Salvatore Savastano - isardSATClick for the abstract
09:30Assessment and classification of coastal erosion responsiveness due to extreme storm surges event using earth observation data in sand beaches of Southeast SicilyGianfranco Di Pietro - University of CataniaClick for the abstract
09:50Monitoring Shoreline Position at a Multi-Scales Using Earth Observations and Cloud Computing: A Case Study of the Portuguese CoastAndreia Silva - CoLAB +ATLANTICClick for the abstract
10:10Geospatial Assessment of Sand Dune Dynamics and Coastal 2 Vulnerability: A Case Study of Hobyo District, SomaliaMuhammad Qasim - University of MunsterClick for the abstract
10:30Understanding coastal landslide processes using low-cost virtual outcrop modelsRyan Kromer - University of LeedsClick for the abstract

Session: Mine & Environmental Monitoring II
Chair: TBA

11:10Exploring Innovative Methods for Air Dust Pollution Monitoring using Satellite Data and Products: A Case Study of Chalidiki (Greece)Petra Sedláčková - Czech Geological SurveyClick for the abstract
11:30Multispectral Imagery for Bathymetric Derivation in Monitoring Sand Mining ActivitiesRaul Adriaensen - Imperial College LondonClick for the abstract
11:50Multi-temporal mapping of iron minerals in mining-affected ramblas: A Sentinel-2 analysis of sedimentation dynamics in the Sierra Minera de Cartagena-La UniónInés Pereira Rodríguez - University of LeónClick for the abstract

Session: Mineral Exploration II
Chair: TBA

12:10Mapping alteration minerals in the Andong serpentine mine, South Korea using drone-based VNIR-SWIR hyperspectral dataYoung-Sun Son - Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM)Click for the abstract
12:15Integrating Single-Point Spectral And Scattered X-Ray Fluorescence Data To Generate Compositional Maps Of Rock Surfaces: A Machine Learning ApproachRaphael Bianchi Hunger, Souza Filho, CR¹; Miranda, LP¹; Scafutto, RDPM¹; Freitas, BT¹; Ducart, DF¹ - University of Campinas (UNICAMP)Click for the abstract
12:35Hyperspectral field acquisition in low light conditions with the aid of artifical ilumination.Harald van der Werff - ITC - University of TwenteClick for the abstract
12:55Reflectance Spectra In Synthetic Mineral Mixtures: An Implication For The Feasibility Of Remote Detection Of Rare Earth Elements In Hematite Rich CarbonatitesSachinthani Weeranayake, Arjan H. Dijkstra, Harald van der Werff - ITC - University of TwenteClick for the abstract
13:15Satellite-based mapping of silica-rich rock for future cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating in unvisited areas of AntarcticaJonathan Adams - Imperial College LondonClick for the abstract