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Conference 2024 Agenda – Online Version
Day One
Time | Title | Speaker | Abstract Link |
08:30 | Registration and Coffee | ||
09:00 | Welcome from the GRSG | Dr. Jennifer Scoular | |
09:15 | Opening Keynote - Geological Remote Sensing – why are we doing this and where is it going? | Nigel Press, EO Pioneer | |
Session: Geological Mapping. | |||
10:00 | Modernizing knowledge of the geologic framework of the US with airborne hyperspectral imaging, geophysical surveys, geologic mapping, and geochemical sampling: The USGS Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (Earth MRI) | Raymond Kokaly - USGS | Click for the abstract |
10:20 | Potential usage of Landsat Next for geological mapping | Bruno Portela - ITC - Univeristy of Twente | Click for the abstract |
Session: Geohazards1 | |||
11:10 | Using AI for the automatic interpretation of InSAR data | Alessandro Novellino - British Geological Survey | Click for the abstract |
11:30 | Automated landslide identification using machine learning classification of Airborne LiDAR | Jingru Wang - University of Leeds | Click for the abstract |
11:50 | Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) Abstract for GRSG – InSAR for Geotechnical Applications and Geohazards | Dyre Dammann - Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) | Click for the abstract |
Session: Natural Hydrogen & Emission Monitoring | |||
12:10 | Monitoring natural hydrogen at Cross Lanes Farm, Cornwall, using a Sentinel-2 time series | Hugo Heard - Cornish Lithium | |
12:30 | Environmental monitoring in the Energy sector: What’s new and what’s coming | Charlotte Bishop - KSAT | Click for the abstract |
12:50 | Testing and fine tuning of literature satellite-driven indicators to investigate Iron and Steel Factories | Carlo Robiati - DBX Ltd | Click for the abstract |
13:10 | Satellite Methane Monitoring: From Promise to Delivering Results | Jean-François Gauthier - GHGSat | Click for the abstract |
13:30 | LUNCH | ||
Session: Hydrogen Exploration | |||
14:30 | Hyperspectral Imaging and Predictive Model Evaluation for Total Organic Carbon Content Estimation: Bituminous Shales: A Case Study on Rocks of the Horn River Basin, Canada | Carlos Souza Filho, University of Campinas (UNICAMP) | Click for the abstract |
14:50 | Evaluating Machine Learning Algorithms and satellite-based covariates to spatially detect active petroleum seepages | Mohammad Hassan Tayebi - National Karst and Hard Rock Research center | Click for the abstract |
15:10 | Characterization of micro seepage-induced diagenetic changes in the Upper-Red Formation, Qom region, Iran. Part III: Using Hyperspectral EnMAP Satellite Data | Yasmin Elhaei - Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz | Click for the abstract |
16:00 | GRSG Annual General Meeting | Jennifer Scoular, SkyGeo | |
17:15` | Wine Reception at ESA |
Day Two
Time | Title | Speaker | Abstract Link |
09:00 | Welcome from the GRSG | Dr. Jennifer Scoular | |
Session: Mineral Exploration I | |||
09:10 | Multiscale Hyperspectral Imaging of Ree-Bearing Minerals at Mountain Pass, California | Todd Hoefen - USGS | Click for the abstract |
09:30 | Rare Earth Element quantification using Random Forest regression and Reflectance Spectroscopy | Susanna Grita - University of Rome "La Sapienza"/Politecnico di Torino | Click for the abstract |
09:50 | ESA Satellites and beyond: a multi sensor approach for lithium pegmatite exploration | Olivia Rhind - Viridien Satellite Mapping | Click for the abstract |
10:10 | Mapping Hydrothermal Alteration Using Wavelength Mapping and Band Ratios: Insights from EMIT Hyperspectral Data over the Haib Porphyry System, Namibia | Giorgia Carano - Politecnico di Torino | Click for the abstract |
10:30 | Hyperspectral Mine Face Monitoring in the Republic of Cyprus – Comparing reflectance data from platforms ground-based, UAV Nadir and Oblique scanning | Justus Constantin Hildebrand - HySpex by NEO (Norsk Elektro Optik) | Click for the abstract |
Session: Geohazards II | |||
11:10 | InSAR Monitoring for Mining Applications: Addressing Challenges in Southeast Asia | Fabrizio Novali - TRE ALTAMIRA | Click for the abstract |
11:30 | Understanding multi-hazard cascades from the Türkiye 2023 earthquakes | Holly Hourston - British Geological Survey | Click for the abstract |
11:50 | The role of Earth Observation in advancing our understanding of high sustained temperature leading to dry condition multihazard compound events | Luke Bateson - British Geological Survey | Click for the abstract |
12:10 | Leveraging Remote Sensing for Flood Risk Management in Shell | Emilie Blancart - Shell Global Solutions International B.V | Click for the abstract |
Session: Mine & Environmental Monitoring | |||
12:30 | Innovative Machine Learning Approach for Monitoring Acid Mine Drainage in the Rio Tinto Region of Spain Using Sentinel-2 Surface Reflectance Time Series Composites | Veronika Strnadova - Czech Geological Survey | Click for the abstract |
12:50 | Drone-based surface water quality monitoring: a case study for the Chalkidiki, Greece | Martin Kýhos - Czech Geological Survey | Click for the abstract |
13:10 | Multiscale Mapping of Mineralogy in the Memi Tailing (Cyprus) Using Spectral Remote Sensing Technology | Saeid Asadzadeh - German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) | Click for the abstract |
13:30 | LUNCH | ||
Session: The Energy Transition | |||
14:30 | Detecting Geothermal Anomalies from Space - What is the current state-of-the-art? | Christoph Hecker - ITC - Univeristy of Twente | Click for the abstract |
14:50 | Geothermal field monitoring with satellite radar in New Zealand | Nick Dodds - SatSense | Click for the abstract |
15:10 | Nationwide Oman Surface Deformation Assessment for CCUS Site Selection | Mohammed Al Sulaimani - Petroleum Development Oman | |
15:50 | Long Term Data Validation of InSAR Based with GNSS Data, Correlation and Integration with Micro Seismic in Oil and Gas Field | Mohammed Al Sulaimani - Sultan Qaboos University | Click for the abstract |
16:10 | Searching for Venus in Iceland: linking volcanic surface characteristics with radar signatures to model future measurements by EnVision and VERITAS | Gerard Gallardo i Peres - Imperial Collenge London/isardSAT | Click for the abstract |
16:30 | Keynote - Identification and Characterization of a Lunar Cave by using Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging | Lorenzo Bruzzone, Leonardo Carrer - University of Trento | |
17:15 | Close | ||
19:00 | Conference Dinner |
Day Three
Time | Title | Speaker | Abstract Link |
09:00 | Welcome from the GRSG | Dr. Jennifer Scoular | |
Session: Coastal Monitoring | |||
09:10 | Synthetic Aperture Radar Shoreline processor: methodology and results. | Salvatore Savastano - isardSAT | Click for the abstract |
09:30 | Assessment and classification of coastal erosion responsiveness due to extreme storm surges event using earth observation data in sand beaches of Southeast Sicily | Gianfranco Di Pietro - University of Catania | Click for the abstract |
09:50 | Monitoring Shoreline Position at a Multi-Scales Using Earth Observations and Cloud Computing: A Case Study of the Portuguese Coast | Andreia Silva - CoLAB +ATLANTIC | Click for the abstract |
10:10 | Geospatial Assessment of Sand Dune Dynamics and Coastal 2 Vulnerability: A Case Study of Hobyo District, Somalia | Muhammad Qasim - University of Munster | Click for the abstract |
10:30 | Understanding coastal landslide processes using low-cost virtual outcrop models | Ryan Kromer - University of Leeds | Click for the abstract |
Session: Mine & Environmental Monitoring II | |||
11:10 | Exploring Innovative Methods for Air Dust Pollution Monitoring using Satellite Data and Products: A Case Study of Chalidiki (Greece) | Petra Sedláčková - Czech Geological Survey | Click for the abstract |
11:30 | Multispectral Imagery for Bathymetric Derivation in Monitoring Sand Mining Activities | Raul Adriaensen - Imperial College London | Click for the abstract |
11:50 | Multi-temporal mapping of iron minerals in mining-affected ramblas: A Sentinel-2 analysis of sedimentation dynamics in the Sierra Minera de Cartagena-La Unión | Inés Pereira Rodríguez - University of León | Click for the abstract |
Session: Mineral Exploration II | |||
12:10 | Mapping alteration minerals in the Andong serpentine mine, South Korea using drone-based VNIR-SWIR hyperspectral data | Young-Sun Son - Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM) | Click for the abstract |
12:15 | Integrating Single-Point Spectral And Scattered X-Ray Fluorescence Data To Generate Compositional Maps Of Rock Surfaces: A Machine Learning Approach | Raphael Bianchi Hunger, Souza Filho, CR¹; Miranda, LP¹; Scafutto, RDPM¹; Freitas, BT¹; Ducart, DF¹ - University of Campinas (UNICAMP) | Click for the abstract |
12:35 | Hyperspectral field acquisition in low light conditions with the aid of artifical ilumination. | Harald van der Werff - ITC - University of Twente | Click for the abstract |
12:55 | Reflectance Spectra In Synthetic Mineral Mixtures: An Implication For The Feasibility Of Remote Detection Of Rare Earth Elements In Hematite Rich Carbonatites | Sachinthani Weeranayake, Arjan H. Dijkstra, Harald van der Werff - ITC - University of Twente | Click for the abstract |
13:15 | Satellite-based mapping of silica-rich rock for future cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating in unvisited areas of Antarctica | Jonathan Adams - Imperial College London | Click for the abstract |