The Value of Remote Sensing in an era of Remote Working
Due to the ongoing pandemic we are unable to run our popular get-together at London’s famous Geological Society’s offices, as we planned.
However, we will recreate the usual mix of fascinating presentations, networking and social get togethers as best we can: just virtually.
GRSG Chairman, Charlotte Bishop commented ; “This year we bring together members from all over the world, just like always do, to explore a wide range of applied remote sensing applications, from the ground to space and from the earth to planetary science. We will have a specific focus on the value that we can provide to all industries, everywhere.”
Day 1: 7th December 2020, Session 1: 09:00 – 11:00 GMT
Time | Title | Speaker |
09:00 | Welcome to GRSG 2020! | Charlotte Bishop, KSAT & GRSG Chairman |
Session Chair: Charlotte Bishop, KSAT | ||
09:20-09:30 | Awesome Earth Observation Code | Andrew Cutts (AC Geospatial, UK) |
09:35-09:45 | Ground Deformation over Fukushima and InSAR case Study | Jack Bestard (CGG, UK) |
09:50-10:00 | Remote sensing methods for geothermal exploration in North Ghoubbet Djibouti | Alina Ermertz (BGR, Germany) |
10:05-10:15 | The application of SAR for the detection and mapping of small scale mining in Ghana | Gabrielle Denner (Council of Geoscience, South Africa) |
10:20-10:30 | Are the artificial neural networks effective for detecting natural oil slicks on SAR imagery | Cristina Vrinceanu (University of Nottingham, UK) |
10:30 | Interactive Q&A Panel Discussion (30mins) | All speakers |
Day 1: 7th December 2020, Lunch & Learn Keynote: 12:00 – 13:00 GMT
Time | Title | Speaker |
12:00 | Welcome and Introduction to Keynote | Session Chair, Alasdair Kyle (Airbus and GRSG Treasurer) |
12:05 - 12:30 | The Magic of GPR: A Brief History of the Hype, Scams and Bad Science | Dr Jan Francke (Groundradar Inc, Canada) |
12:30 | Interactive Q&A and Lunch Discussion (30mins) |
Day 1: 7th December 2020, Session 2: 15:00-17:30 GMT
Time | Title | Speaker |
15:00 | Welcome to GRSG 2020! | Charlotte Bishop, KSAT & GRSG Chairman |
Session Chair: Dr Andrew Hart, Atkins | ||
15:20-15:30 | Creating an automated tailings dam monitoring service using free satellite data | David Burridge (L3 Harris, UK) |
15:35-15:45 | New wavelength range options for the Specim SisuROCK drill core scanner | Rainer Bars (Specim, Finland) |
15:50-16:00 | Geologic mapping with non-exclusive high resolution airborne hyperspectral data in Southern Nevada | Dave Coulter (Overhill Imaging, Ireland) |
16:05-16:15 | Measuring Methane Emissions at Oil and Gas Facilities | Jean-Francois Gauthier (GHGSat, Canada |
16:20-16:30 | High spatial resolution hyperspectral mineral mapping over Cuprite, Nevada and Hope British Columbia with UAS | Dean Riley (Echolabs, Canada) |
16:30 | Interactive Q&A Panel Discussion (30mins) | All speakers |
17:00 | AGM and Your Questions | GRSG committee (and YOU!) |
Day 2: 8th December 2020, Session 1: 09:00 – 11:00 GMT
Time | Title | Speaker |
09:00 | Welcome | Charlotte Bishop, KSAT & GRSG Chairman |
Session Chairs: Cristina Vrinceanu, Toby Merritt and Matt Webster – GRSG EC and Student reps | ||
09:05-09:15 | Intro to our Careers and Student morning | Session hosts |
09:15-09:25 | Early Careers Experiences - GeolSoc/RSPSoc/GRSG EC | Matt Webster (WSP, UK) |
09:25-09:35 | Early Careers Experiences - Training and Outreach options | Jenny Scoular (Imperial College, UK) |
09:35-09:45 | Early Careers Experiences - GRSG Student Membership Benefits and Student Award 2021 & Travel Grant 2021 Announcement | Cristina Vrinceanu (University of Nottingham, UK) |
09:45-09:55 | Student Award winner lightning talk: Radar backscatter analysis of the Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō Crater, Kīlauea during the 2011 – 2013 eruptions | Edna Dualeh (University of Leeds, UK) |
10:00 – 11:00 | Career Mentor Panel Discussion – moderated by Toby Merritt | Prof Richard Ghail (Royal Holloway, UK) Charlotte Bishop (KSAT, Norway) Rachel Mayer (CGG, UK) Dr Andrew Hart (Atkins, UK) |
Day 2: 8th December 2020, Lunch & Learn Keynote: 12:00 – 13:00 GMT
Time | Title | Speaker |
12:00 | Welcome and Introduction to Keynote | Jenny Scoular, (Imperial College and GRSG Training and Outreach) |
12:05 - 12:30 | Understanding how and why Venus is so different | Dr Philippa Mason (Imperial College, UK) |
12:30 | Interactive Q&A and Lunch Discussion (30mins) |
Day 2: 8th December 2020, Session 2: 15:00-16:55 GMT
Time | Title | Speaker |
15:00 | Welcome to GRSG 2020! | Charlotte Bishop, KSAT & GRSG Chairman |
Session Chair: David Coulter, Overhill Imaging | ||
15:10-15:20 | Understanding fault controlled geothermal reservoirs and their tectonic history based on remote structural mapping | Dr Chris Yeomans (University of Exeter, UK) |
15:25-15:35 | High resolution vs Standard resolution: How an increase in resolution using a field portable spectrometer affects quality of data | Lori Shelton Pieniazek (Spectral Evolution, USA) |
15:40-15:50 | InSAR deformation mapping for preventative maintenance of key infrastructure | Shawn Melamed (Catalyst, Canada) |
15:55-16:05 | Engineering Geomorphological Remote Sensing: Tools for Reading the Ground | Dr Andrew Hart (Atkins, UK) |
16:10-16:20 | Detecting risk to infrastructure in the age of COVID | Owen Hawkins (Earth-i, UK) |
16:25-17:00 | Interactive Q&A Panel Discussion (30mins) | All speakers |
17:30 - 19:30 | Virtual Social & Pub Quiz | Everyone! |
Please note that since this is an online event, the volunteers that run the GRSG are making tickets available for free but this will have a severe impact on the Group’s finances, as the Conference is our one big fund-raising event of the year.
So, we have provided the option for members and guests to purchase Donation Tickets which, as the name suggests, will allow you to make a donation to the GRSG for attending the Conference.
Of course, there is no pressure for anyone to do this but if you are able to donate to the Group, we will be extremely grateful.
We look forward to seeing everyone online in December!
The GRSG Committee