GRSG 35th Conference 2024 Abstract

Title: Monitoring natural hydrogen at Cross Lanes Farm, Cornwall, using a Sentinel-2 time series

Author: Neil Pendock

Organisation: Dirt Exploration

The “Hydridic Earth” model, proposed by the Russian geologist V.N. Larin, is a paradigm shift in geology, challenging traditional views on Earth’s composition and processes. It raises questions about energy resources and offers a new framework for understanding geological phenomena through the lens of hydrogen’s role in Earth’s history. We discuss the presence of H2 and He at Cross Lanes in Cornwall. Cornish Lithium PLC drilled a 1 km hole at Cross Lanes as part of their exploration for lithium-enriched geothermal waters at the United Downs site, where they have successfully completed two diamond boreholes to this depth as part of their research program.

We consider a time series of 230 spectral radiances observed by the Sentinel-2 satellites of the European Space Agency from July 2015 to September 2024 and
discuss how the drill hole appears to act as a chimney, releasing H2 from a posited underground reservoir and He from the brines.

The observed He appears to be related to a process of thermal neutron capture of clays by slow neutrons in the presence of Li-7 in the sampled brines. As the hole progressed, H2 decreased over areas adjacent to the hole while observed He increased. We also relate the observed H2 distribution to ophiolites in Cornwall and the many mines in the area and discuss how mapping gasses from Sentinel-2 may be used to generate exploration targets and monitor gas emissions from mining and other activities.