Python Webinar Recordings
The GRSG is always looking to support our members with career development and as part of these efforts, we organise training webinars that introduce attendees to various concepts and techniques that they will find useful.
Recently, we supported Andrew Cutts to provide two separate presentations. Both were open to members and visitors, however members were able to attend at a 50% discount.
We have made the recordings of both videos available to our members below:
Getting Set Up for Python and Sharing Resources for Beginners
This webinar will cover setting up your Python environment with Anaconda, other possible libraries and the benefits of virtual python environments.
It will also cover useful resources to continue your learning.
Introduction to Python for Remote Sensing
Satellite images are just arrays of data and fortunately in Python we can handle this data in a NumPy array.
This webinar will cover the basics of loading a satellite image in Python and image manipulation.
Supporting code and information can be found here: