GRSG Conference 2022: Orbit to Outcrop
Title: The cloud-based Geohazards Exploitation Platform (GEP) for documenting, monitoring and modelling volcano, landslide, glaciers, coastal subsidence and seismic hazards.
Author: Jean-Philippe Malet
The Geohazards Exploitation Platform (GEP) is a cloud-based-environment providing a set of EO data processing chains and services that allow monitoring terrain deformation and document geohazards such as volcano, landslide, coastal/inland subsidence, glacier and earthquake-related motion.
Over the two last years, the platform has extended 1) its service portfolio with cutting-edge methods in satellite InSAR, optical image correlation, change detection and AI, and 2) its user base with several categories of stakeholders (research labs and universities, geoscience institutes, engineering bureaux) through the ESA sponsored “Network of Resources” program.
The GEP Portal interoperates with a broad range of EO data repositories and data processing services, to support EO practitioners and other users to better understand geohazards and their impact. This capacity is continuously enriched through partnerships with key research institutes in order to address the needs of the geohazards community for producing information layers and for new or improved satellite processors.
The objective of this work is to present recent applications of GEP InSAR and image correlation services to document recent geohazard disasters; it will also introduce innovative collaborative working and visualization tools.