During this year’s GRSG Conference and for attendees only, we will be offering a limited number of places to enjoy a fascinating workshop given by expert trainer, Andrew Cutts that will explore how to process earth observation images using Python.
In 2018 alone, Andrew has:
- Given training courses across the country in GIS, Remote Sensing and Python.
- Converted proprietary GIS code to Open source GIS Python code so it can be scaled.
- Written guest blogs and ghost articles.
- Worked with TCarta, Radiant Earth, SCGIS and the Satellite Applications Catapult
During the Workshop you will Andrew will cover:
- Intro to Numpy arrays (images are just numpy arrays)
- Plotting data using Matplotlib
- Manipulating Numpy arrays (conditional and slicing operations)
- Gdal (opening images and plotting)
- Rasterio (opening images and plotting)
- Stretching images (skimage)
- Computer vision on images
To signup for the Workshop, drop your details in an email to pythonworkshop@grsg.org.uk – places are limited so it will be first come, first served.