In a competitive job market, everyone needs to ensure that their working skills are up-to-date and relevant. Since Python is the most commonly used programming language within the Geospatial professional, the GRSGhas teamed up with expert teacher, Andrew Cutts to offer heavily-subsidised places on his Geospatial Python for Beginners Course.
Open to GRSG members and those who are yet to join the Group, the course will teach attendees the fundamentals of the Python language before moving on to reading and writing both vector and raster data. Those who attend will leave able to start using Python as a scripting language within their work.
10am – 4pm 4th June 2019 at Geological Society, Piccadilly, London
The one-day course agenda will cover:
- Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks
- Intro to:
- Python data types (lists, tuples, strings, integers, floats, dicts)
- Programming basics (loops, if/else statements, operators)
- Printing variables, getting help and installing libraries
- Functions and inbuilt functions
- Slicing lists
- Working with directories of data
- Reading and writing textfiles
- Creating a point shapefile from a textfile
- Introduction to NumPy
- Reading a raster dataset in GDAL
- Using subprocess to call GDAL functions
Prices for this one-day course are:
GRSG Individual Members: £30.00
GRSG Student / Retired Members: £15.00
Non-members: £90.00
Non-members who are Students or Retired: £30.00
Please note that non-members can join the GRSG before the course to take advantage of the member charges. More information can be found on the GRSG website
Please bring a working Python environment, we recommend Anaconda http://www.acgeospatial.co.uk/python-geospatial-workflows-prt1-anaconda/ If you do not have this working prior to the course then you will only be able to follow the code on the screen. Sadly, we will not have time to setup individuals’ machines.
The GRSG reserves the right to cancel this course if it is significantly under-subscribed. In the event of cancellation for this reason, those who have already paid will be reimbursed.