The Geological Remote Sensing Group was formed in 1989.
This constitution replaces all previous versions and was approved by the Councils of the Geological Society of London and the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society on …… and …… respectively and adopted at a Special Meeting of the Geological Remote Sensing Group held at the Annual General Meeting on 7th December 2011.
- The name of the Group shall be the GEOLOGICAL REMOTE SENSING GROUP to be known as the GRSG. A special interest group of the Geological Society of London and Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society.
- The purpose of the group is to promote and to study practical geological applications of earth observation systems/remote sensing, particularly those of benefit to the community.
It will do this by:
- Holding meetings and visits, particularly in conjunction with other specialist groups of the two Societies and those overseas organizations holding similar aims to the group.
- Encouraging research and training by providing a forum for the presentation of research results
- Providing a focus of informed views sought by others
- Encouraging the joint activity of industry, government and universities and multi disciplinary research
- Carrying out or sponsoring joint investigation of topics believed important to the well being of geological remote sensing
- Such other means as the committee of the group may think desirable, subject to the approval of the council of each society
- Membership and attendance at meetings is open to all Fellows of the Geological Society of London and Ordinary Members, [Fellows, Honorary Fellows, Honorary Life Fellows and Associate Members] of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society and others with a special interest in Geological Remote Sensing who are approved by the Committee of the Group.
- The affairs of the Group shall be managed by a Committee.
- The Committee shall consist of a minimum of seven elected Members, one of whom shall be the Chairman, one the Secretary and one the Treasurer, and Membership Secretary, Newsletter Editor, Publicity Officer, Student Representative. The committee shall include up to 5 nominated members, one ex officio member of the Geological Society of London appointed by its Council, and one member of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society appointed by its Council.
- The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall be deemed the Officers of the Group and shall be the official representatives of the Group in all matters pertaining to relations with the parent Societies. One of the officers or their nominee, who must be a Fellow of the Geological Society of London shall represent the Group on the Specialist Groups Committee of the Geological Society of London
- The Officers and ordinary members of the Committee except those appointed by the Geological Society of London and the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society will be elected by vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Group. Each Candidate for election shall be nominated and seconded by members of the Committee or members of the Group. No Candidate may be nominated for more than one position on the Committee. Nominations should reach the Secretary by the day previous to the Annual General Meeting. During the year members of the GRSG may be co-opted to the committee as necessary.
- The Chairman shall not serve for more than three years in that capacity.
- The Secretary and Treasurer shall serve for a term of three years and subject to successful re-election, thereafter a further three year term but in no circumstances for more than six years in that capacity.
- Members of the Committee may serve for not more than six consecutive years but shall be eligible for re-election after a further period of one year. At least one ordinary member of the Committee shall retire annually at the Annual General Meeting.
- The quorum for a meeting shall be four members, one of whom shall be an Officer of the Group.
- Meetings of the Committee shall be summoned by the Secretary at the order of the Chairman, or not fewer than three members of the Committee.
- A report on the work, progress and finances of the group shall be submitted at each Annual General Meeting of the Group for transmission to the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society and to the Geological Society of London.
- The Annual General Meeting shall normally be held either in December or as near thereto as may be convenient.
- The financial affairs of the Group will be the responsibility of the Treasurer who will, where necessary, consult and be advised by the Treasurers of the Geological Society of London and the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society.
- The Group shall incur no financial obligation chargeable to the Geological Society of London or to the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society, unless such obligations have been authorised in advance by their respective Councils.
- The Group shall not take any action, which may conflict with either the terms of the Charter and Bye-Laws of the Geological Society of London or the [Articles of Association] of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society.
- All publicity will describe the Group as a Joint Specialist Group of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society and the Geological Society of London.
- Alterations to the Constitution may be made only with the approval of the Group (expressed by majority decision at an Annual General Meeting) and of the Councils of both Societies; and shall not become effective until they have received such approval.